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medium chain中文是什么意思

用"medium chain"造句"medium chain"怎么读"medium chain" in a sentence


  • 中链的


  • It can be classified into three categories , such as short chain length ( scl ) phas , medium chain length ( mcl ) phas , and phas containing monomer of hb and has ( hydroxyalkanoates )
    聚羟基脂肪酸酯( polyhydroxyalkanoates , phas )是细菌细胞中的一种多聚物,可分为短链pha 、中链pha及含短链与中链单体的pha 。
  • Various nutrients contained in the high protein nutrient solution were well balanced , with reasonable proportion of medium chained fatty acids and long chained fatty acids , and it could be taken orally or administered by tube feeding , meeting the various nutrient requirements of patients
  • Therefore , the paper proposes the central proposition that grouping and specialization are the main choices for nowadays chinese media industry . the author thinks that media grouping can efficiently reduce the exchange cost among business units , get the benefits from the large scale , and perfect the media chains . at the same time , media specialization is the important way to strengthen the influence force of media
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